Want to catch more trout with your fly rod? Learn to Nymph Fish.
Colorado Beginner Nymph Fishing Class: We designed this class to help angler’s increase their catch rate. With trout feeding subsurface about 85% of the time, it makes sense to present flies where they feed most. The art of nymphing with a fly rod is more than tying on flies adding split shot and attaching a strike indicator. This type of fly-fishing is about knowing where the fish are holding, what they a feeding on, the current of the river as well as the depth. All of our guides are certified teachers. Liarflies holds multiple special use permits. These permits allow us to offer our beginner nymph fishing class on the water where the fish are. Classes can be taught on the Cache La Poudre, Big Thompson and in the Rocky Mountain National Park. By learning on the water, students will get a feel for the subtlety that goes into nymph fishing. Colorado Beginner Nymph Fishing Class Cost: $165. For more information or to book your private class please email our fly-fishing guides or give us a call at 1-866-773-5128. Students will need a Colorado fishing license for this Fly Fishing Class.
Season: March – November
Times: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: TBD
Cost: $195 additional angler(s) $95
Class Type: Open
Students in our Colorado Nymph Fishing Class will learn:
- Presentation : How to nymph fish with indicators, multiple flies and split shot.
- Knots : How to tie the required knots for leaders, tippet and fly attachment.
- Reading Water : Where trout live, why they live there, and how to fish riffles, pocket water and meanders.
- Nymphing Techniques: How to high stick with a fly rod as well as the essential dead drift.
- Entomolgy: Insect identification and fly selection.