Flies of the Week 10/09/17
Our Fort Collins and Estes Park Fly Fishing Guides Flies of the Week. Oh soooo spooky trout on the Poudre in the Canyon section this past week. Many friends have reported riding the struggle bus up there this weekend. Long leaders and a stealthy fly cast are necessary for this time of year. The fishing up there can be awesome if you just keep moving. Best results are had by covering a lot of water and looking for the slower deeper runs. The angling in town was good. No reason to get up early in town. I found out the hard way and got on the water around 8:30 am. Well the fishing did not pick up until 12 ish. Off and on hatch of BWO’s made for a fun afternoon. With that being said our Fort Collins and Estes Park Fly Fishing Guides choice for Flies of the Week are. #18 BWO Cripple and a #20 97oh

Health Benefits of Learning how to Fly Fish in Colorado.
We posted this awhile ago on the blog but I strongly feel its worth a look at again. https://liarflies.com/fly-fishing-colorado-has-health-benefits/ Our guide season is almost over but it is not to late to sign up for our Colorado Beginner Anglers Class.