Getting Your Spouse to Fly Fish: 6 Tips
I firmly believe that teaching your spouse to fly fish is a bad idea. Get him or her a lesson. Several years ago I thought it would be a great idea to teach my wife how to golf. WRONG! What happened was every time she hit a bad shot it was my fault, that was how I told her to do it. Lesson learned I got her golf lessons so now its her instructors fault when the ball doesn’t go where she wants it. You would think I would have known this. I have been a guide and instructor for over 20 years and have taught countless people to fly fish and countless people have said “so and so tried to teach me but he/she just got frustrated and I gave up”.
Tip #1- Get them a lesson. Our beginner anglers class is the perfect gift. With that plug out of the way, a lesson is perfect because it takes the stress out of it. It puts the pressure solely on the guide. A good class can cut 5 yrs off the learning curve and get that special person out on the water confidently. Read this carefully this is really the important part…”Don’t take the class with them”…unless you both are new to the sport and want learn together. Then that is cool.
Tip #2- When you are ready to go out together…bring food. Not everyone wants to go out for 8 hours straight without eating. Take it slow, you are supposed to be spending time together.
Tip #3- Don’t go yard. Meaning do not book some exotic fly fishing trip. Find some local water and for god sake hire a guide. The best way to get them to go out with you again is to have them catch a few fish. The Rocky Mountain National Park is the best place for this…hint, hint.
Tip #4- If you do hire a guide don’t try to “guide the guide”. It makes you look like an ass.
Tip #5- Gear….don’t look at this as a opportunity to pass off old gear to someone and purchase shiny stuff for yourself. Buy new gear that is appropriate for that person. Waders and boots need to fit!
Tip #6- Its not about the fish, that person just wants spend time with you. Make it special, relaxed and fun.