Guide Report for the Cache La Poudre River
Guide Report for the Cache La Poudre. Flows are dropping daily on the Poudre. Fish are really gonna be spread out. The deeper pockets will be very visible now. Nymph fishing with a double rig, split shot as needed and a light indicator is gonna produce to most takes. Covering a lot of water is also best practice. Move and then move some more until you start catching fish. Call it what you will the “dog days of the summer”…I like to think its a transition. The major hatches of the summer are all but over. Baetis or BWO’s are right around the corner. Using a large dry fly with rubber legs and a dropper is another great way to fish the Poudre this time of year.

Guide Recommended Flies:Dries- #14 Instigator, #14 EC Caddis, #18 BWO Cripple. Nymphs- #18 J’s BWO Emerger, #16 Old Blue, #20 97oh.
Cache La Poudre River Collection: Let us hand tie a dozen flies for you that match the current conditions.
Let Rocky Mountain Adventures/Liarflies help you increase your catch rate. By taking our Beginner Nymph Fishing Class you will dramatically increase your ability to effectively fly fish the Cache La Poudre River. Cost of class is $95 for 4 hours of instruction. Our Beginner Nymph Fishing Class is offered Saturday and Sunday. Class is limited to 4 anglers.
For information on guided fly fishing trips on the Cache La Poudre please click here.