Guides Report Fort Collins Fishing
Our Fly Fishing Guides report good fly fishing near Fort Collins. Flows on the Cache La Poudre have jumped up almost a whole foot this week. Look for this to get our final major hatch of the season going. Last Sunday’s trip in the upper canyon was great for Brown Trout. We had our clients cast their flies to the faster more oxygenated water. Nymph fishing with a two fly rig was frustrating do to the salad that is on the bottom. Our success came from casting a #14 EC Caddis with a #16 Old Blue. Both saturday and sunday we had an afternoon rain shower. Once the rain cleared the Blue Winged Olives made an appearance. Fly fishing the edges was awesome. For this hatch we were using a #18 Para Emerger Cripple (PEC) or a #18 BWO Cripple. We also have heard that by Elephant Rock the nymphing with a #18 J’s BWO Emerger with a #18 San Juan Worm was crushing it.
Liarflies, #18 BWO Cripple and #18 Para Emerger Cripple were featured this week in our Flies of the Week.
Let Liarfies tie up a dozen flies for your next fly fishing adventure on the Cache La Poudre river. We would happily hand tie a dozen flies for you. This Fly Collection would match the current conditions on the Poudre. Our Poudre River Collection includes 6 fly patterns (2 each). Why not use the same flies that that we use as Fort Collins fly fishing guides.

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