Poudre River Fly Fishing Guides Report
Poudre River Fly Fishing Guides Report. Flows have significantly dropped in the last week and a half. It is currently .9 on the Poudre Rock Report website. Low flows mean the trout are gonna be spread out. Tossing flies into the faster deeper water has been the ticket. On our guided fly fishing trips on the Cache La Poudre we have been using a double nymph rig with 1 or 2 #6 split shot with a very small indicator. A dry-dropper has also been producing well. A sporadic Baetis hatch will also get the trout to look up. Look for that around noon. Best to use a 9 ft 5x leader tappered with 6x tippet for best chance with rising trout.

Guide Recommended Flies:Dries- #14 Instigator, #14 EC Caddis, #18 BWO Cripple. Nymphs- #18 J’s BWO Emerger, #16 Old Blue, #20 97oh.
Cache La Poudre River Collection: Let us hand tie a dozen flies for the Cache La Poudre that match the current conditions.
Let Rocky Mountain Adventures/Liarflies help you increase your catch rate. By taking our Beginner Nymph Fishing Class you will dramatically increase your ability to effectively fly fish the Cache La Poudre River. Cost of class is $95 for 4 hours of instruction. Our Beginner Nymph Fishing Class is offered Saturday and Sunday. Class is limited to 4 anglers.
For information on guided fly fishing trips on the Cache La Poudre please click here. Rocky Mountain Adventure/Liarflies are some of the most experienced fly fishing guides in Fort Collins, Colorado.