I personally own 4 switch rods. They range from a 7wt on down to a 4wt. The heavier rods are hold overs from my days as a steelhead guide in Northern California. I typically use my 4wt Meiser Switch rod on the Cache La Poudre. I find throwing a switch a refreshing alternative on the Cache la Poudre. The spey casts are just a hoot. When I nail a cast I can’t help but get all gitty. Today’s switch rods are very versatile. They can easily cast overhand or be used for picking the farthest pocket while nymph fishing. When I am out with my switch rod I stick to swinging streamers…because when you can break of a 80-90 ft cast why the hell not. The students in our switch rod class will learn the essential spey casts such as the snake roll, snap-t and the double spey. Our students will also learn how these multi-faceted angling tools can be used to pursue trout in our own backyard. This class will be conducted in the canyon section of the Cache la Poudre River near Fort Collins, Colorado or on The Upper Colorado River near Kremmling, Colorado. This class is 6 hours in length. All essential gear is included in this class. Lunch is also provided. For more information please call us at 1-866-773-5128 or email us at info@liarflies.com.